Program Purpose

​​The purpose of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Visitation Program is to promote reconciliation through the developing cultural understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The philosophy of the Centre is based on a holistic view of creation and spirituality. This is the heart of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and is central to the program provided.

This is portrayed throughout the program offered to schools in both traditional and contemporary contexts.

Cultural Visitation Program
  • Aims to initiate action which raises social justice issues (relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education), and thereafter is involved in exploring, resolving and integrating solutions into Catholic Education policies and practices.

  • The Program delivers comprehensive, detailed, high quality programs, which inherently express Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Pre-visit preparation, a key element, enables teache​rs to become more aware of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies place in all key learning areas. It includes focus areas of Aboriginal Culture (History / Dreaming Stories, Song and Dance, Bushwalk) and Torres Strait Islander Culture (History \ Stories, Song and Dance).​